SOMMELIERS (1973) The introduction of the SOMMELIERS series in 1973 achieved worldwide recognition. A glass was born that turns a sip into a celebration - a wine’s best friend - fine-tuned to match the grape! We invite you to share this fascinating and unique experience. You don’t need to be a wine writer, a winemaker, or an expert to taste the difference that a RIEDEL glass can make.
The Sauternes glass is perfect to emphasize acidity, thus balancing the wine's liquorous sweetness and luscious finish. It helps to balance the fresh characters and high mineral components, emphasising the wonderful fruit aromas. Handmade and dishwasher safe.
Volume: 340 ccm
Height: 200 mm
Material: Crystal
Recommended for: Sauternes, Dessertwine, Ausbruch, Vins Liquoreux, Monbazillac, Jurançon moelleux, Barsac, Recioto di Soave, Auslese (sweet), Beerenauslese, Trockenbeerenauslese
Caring for your RIEDEL Crystal
- To avoid stains: use soft water (low mineral content)
- To avoid scratches: Avoid glass contact with other glass or metal
- To remove stains: use white vinegar
- If available use a stemware rack
If washing by hand
- Wash the glass under warm water (use detergent and rinse the glass carefully)
- Glass polishing: Use two polishing cloths, never hold the glass by the base to polish the bowl
- Stem snap: Occurs through mishandling = torque or bend pressure at the stem
- Storage: Avoid glass storage in kitchen cabinets which have strong aromas that translates into glass