Model: XCCsdh 5250 Prime NoFrost
Side-by-side combination
Total Capacity: 311L
Control: 2.4" TFT colour display with Touch & Swipe display
Total Dimensions HxWxD: 1855 x 1204 x 675 mm
Door: Stainless steel with SmartSteel
Weight: 169.2 kg
Light: LED light
Malfunction: Optical and acoustical warning signal
Door Alarm: Audible door alarm alert if opened >60 seconds
Noise: 33 d(B)
Warranty: 2 years
Made in Germany
Contains the following appliances:
SCNsdh 5253 Prime NoFrost x2, Per Unit Specs:
Combined fridge-freezers with EasyFresh and NoFrost
Dimensions HxWxD: 1855 x 597 x 675 mm
Refrigerator Capacity: 217L
Freezer Capacity: 94L
Refrigerator Temperature Range: +2 ~ +9°C
Freezer Temperature Range: -15 ~ -26°C
Shelving: 4 adjustable glass shelves,; 1 bottle rack; 1 pull-out VarioBox, 3 freezer drawers
Other features:
Energy consumption: 0.620 kWh / 24h or 227 kWh/a
- Connection rating: 1.4 A 183 W
- NoFrost
- Automatic Defrost
- Energy rating: 4 ticks
* SmartDevice functionality based on availability (add on for additional $120)
**Please note: despite careful data management, we reserve the right to make technical changes; and discrepancies may occur between the image or text content and the original appliance.
Spec Sheet
Assembly Installation and Instructions
Operating Instructions